The science behind Remedy Free-form lenses
Our Remedy Free-form lenses include state-of-the-art technology to optimize the lens performance, enabling us to achieve new levels of personalization, sophistication and visual performance.
CamberTM with IOT Intelligence
The Camber lens blank features a unique, continuously increasing base curve that provides the optically ideal base curve for all viewing zones. It delivers better vision in all zones compared to a spherical lens blank.
When combined with a back surface design using IOT Digital Ray-Path 2, both surfaces work together to provide the wearer with an unbeatable visual experience: wide reading zones, improved peripheral vision, extended power range, more aesthetically pleasing lenses, and unmatchable near vision performance.
ONLY available in Remedy CamberTM Max Progressive
IOT Digital Ray-Path 2
IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 calculates a unique back surface design, optimized to each patient´s individual prescription for over 3,000 gaze directions. In a revolutionary extra step, it factors in the wearer´s own power of accommodation to deliver clear vision in 99.5% of those gaze directions. The result: wider, crisp visual fields at all distances, with virtually no blur – even in large or wrap frames. 2

Steady Methodology
Steady Methodology is a technological breakthrough in free-form, digital lenses. It controls for unwanted cylinder and mean power in the lateral areas of the lens. This ensures more stable and natural vision, with drastically reduced “swim” effect and higher peripheral visual acuity, especially in the distance zone. 3

Steady Plus Methodology
An evolution of Steady Methodology, providing superior binocular performance. Steady Plus Methodology achieves more sophisticated control of mean power in the near and intermediate zones for improved visual performance. The wearer will enjoy a smoother visual experience as both eyes perceive identical powers for each gaze direction. 4
ONLY available in Remedy CamberTM Max Progressive
1 US Patent US 8,042,941 B2 | 2 Patent pending | 3 US Patent US 10330950 | 4 Patent pending